Ethics And Social Responsibility

Ethics And Social Responsibility: Non- alcoholic beverage company

Grazom Natural Drinks and its various stakeholders will be people committed to a healthy lifestyle. We will recognize the importance of the environment to healthy living. This will lead to us living an honest and fair life.
By investing in Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, Grazom Natural Drinks will play its role as a good corporate citizen of the city, the Washington-Baltimore Metropolis, and the United States. This will not only be guided by its obligations to the rules and regulations of these societies, but it will be self-regulation because of values held dear.
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Grazom Natural Drinks will contribute to employment in the metropolis by offering jobs directly to permanent and temporary staff in the area. Most of these people will be based at its plant that will be making the drinks. Others will be involved in marketing activities in the area and beyond.
Most of the multicultural staff of Grazom Natural Drinks will be recruited from residents of Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan Area. The others will mostly be sales staff recruited on a needs basis and based in their areas of jurisdiction. Diversity, and if need be, affirmative action, will be considered during talent spotting and development.
Grazom staff will be remunerated above minimum salaries and wages. They will have safe working environment, with permanent employees performing supervisory roles right from the star. The organization structure will grow to include not only the core functions of production, marketing and finance, but also distribution, sales, and human resources.
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Employees will be given chances to advance their careers through various training opportunities organized by the company. They will be encouraged to join credit unions for self-improvement and to bring the best labor practices to the workplace.
The company’s products will be made from rare fruits grown from all over the world. Fair prices will be paid to the farmers who will be guided to grow healthy fruits free from certain chemicals. Many people around the world abandon farming because of exploitation by certain multinational companies. Grazom Natural Drinks will ensure farmers of the chosen fruits receive fair rewards for their efforts.
Some chemicals used in various farming methods contribute to unhealthy societies all over the world. Some of these chemicals have been blamed for various modern diseases. Chemicals also contribute to environment degradation by sipping into underground water and spreading to the world’s waters.
Grazom Natural Drinks will encourage organic fruit farming among its suppliers who will be spread throughout the world. Natural manure formulae will be used to get the most of the natural flavors of the various fruits. This will have less impact on the environment, preserving and recycling the world’s resources. In so doing, Grazom will be reducing its carbon footprint.
Processing of the fruits will be done in aseptically clean environments to ensure the drinks are not contaminated. Use of the best health and safety recommendations of the various regulatory bodies will be strictly adhered to. FedEx, one of the leading logistics company, will also provide aseptically clean environments for the handling and transportation of the raw materials and products.
There will hardly be any unnatural ingredients in the drinks. No sweeteners will be used in the drinks. Only a little water will be added, most of the water being natural from the fruits. Consequently, the company will be able to easily expand even in areas with little water.
Grazom Natural Drinks will outsource printing of packaging material to printing and packaging firms that use recyclable paper and plastic. Such resources like trees take long to nurture and mature and should not be cut just for the sake. Grazom will volunteer to care for forest acreage in the various areas it operates in, including tree planting activities.
Grazom will be involved with community organizations such as credit unions, cooperatives and sportspeople to promote healthy lifestyles in various communities. The company drinks that target all members in the community will be from natural flavored, low sugar drinks because it believes that people should live healthy lives. We shall shun drinks that do not enhance healthy.
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Since prevention is better than cure, the company will be involved in such activities like communal environment conservation and sports activities. Such activities will include tree planting and road racing. The company will provide some of its drinks free during such events. It could also offer cash rewards to winners of various sporting events.
Senior company staff will have capped expense accounts to entertain people who may benefit the company in terms of new business. The benefits of the accounts will be reviewed from time to time with regard to their use and benefit to the company.
Directors and staff at Grazom Natural Drinks will be discouraged from accepting gifts from competitors, suppliers (existing or potential), or other persons with vested interest in the company. Since such gifts can easily be viewed as bribes, staff and directors will be required to declare any gifts from such companies or individuals.
Ethics and social responsibility will be adopted throughout Grazom Natural Drinks to reflect various areas the company and its various stakeholders hold dear; including healthy living, environment and fairness.


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Hartman, L, DesJardins, J, and MacDonald, C, 2013. Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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