Training Proposal for a New Employee Orientation Program (NEOP)

Training Proposal for a New Employee Orientation Program (NEOP)

What is NEOP?

A New Employee Orientation Program (NEOP) gives new staff members the basic information about their new job and organization, with most of the information being given before they start the job. The program gives the new employee information about their position in relation to the rest of the workforce, the organization and its corporate culture, the target market and the community (Rabinowitz, undated). It directs the employee in charting out the path of where they want to go vis-à-vis the organization’s direction...
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Rationale for NEOP
An organization without a NEOP is likely to experience high employee turnover...
Hence, a good NEOP ensures that a new employee is catered for professionally, logistically, socially and philosophically leading to a better fit and performance by the employee and the organization (Rabinowitz, undated).
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Scope of the NEOP
The main goal of the NEOP discussed in this paper is to ensure the organization recruits and retains top talent. It is a formal document that...
In situations where many employees have been recruited in the same period, say in the same week...
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NEOP Outline
Below is a tabulated outline of the proposed NEOP for the organization. The outline has the training content and methods, duration for the various presentations and the estimated costs. 


Brown, J. (2015). Employee Orientation: Keeping New Employees on Board. Accessed on 20 July 2016.
