Report on ToolsCorp Corporation’s Global Strategic Initiative

Report on ToolsCorp Corporation’s Global Strategic Initiative

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ToolsCorp Corporation located in Memphis, Tennessee, is a company that builds power tools, lawnmowers, lawn furniture, microwaves and ranges. Its products are manufactured in the city and sold throughout North America via various wholesale and retail outlets such as Home Depot, Walmart and

ToolsCorp is looking to expand into the global marketplace. This report is presented to ToolCorp’s Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) and recommends development of a business plan for strategic initiatives to break into the global marketplace. The report includes a comprehensive SWOT Analysis of ToolCorp’s environment, a business plan outline and a review of the company’s mission statement.  The report also recommends key operating principles to be applied and a preliminary market analysis. Further, it has three strategic proposals based on timeframes: with the strategic objectives of strategic initiatives covering one year, five years and ten years. Each strategic proposal lays out its implementation plans, ramifications and evaluation processes.

Additional material in the report includes an annual objective plan for the first year (Appendix 1). There is also a country profile of China, the first target market outside North America (Appendix 2).
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SWOT Analysis

This SWOT analysis will look at ToolsCorp’s existing and proposed environment; both the company’s internal environment and the external industry environment (Porter, 1998). The environment scan will discuss five factors for each of the categories of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


ToolsCorp has an internal environment that helps it to...
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There are also internal factors that can diminish the company’s development. This include that...


ToolsCorp has the opportunity to expand its market outside North America to include ...
...and offline communication.
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One of the external factors that threaten the company is multinational competitors...

Some countries, especially those in...

Business plan outline

The following outline will help ToolsCorp to develop a business plan that will be useful in implementation of the strategic initiative of going global (Barksdale and Lund, 2006). The outline highlights numbered topics for the main aspects to be covered in the business plan.

1.      Company description

2.      Industry analysis and trends

3.      Market

a.       Target market

Mission statement

ToolsCorp will serve people who

Application of key operating principles

ToolsCorp is a company that encourages teamwork and...
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Preliminary market analysis

ToolsCorp makes and sells high-quality power tools, lawnmowers, lawn furniture, microwaves and ranges. It also makes replacement parts for these products. The products target a demographic...
Strategic proposals

The following are strategic proposals that will enable ToolsCorp to expand its operations to effectively serve a global marketplace. It is suggested the strategic proposals be implemented over periods of one year, five years and ten years.

One-year strategic proposal

For the following one year, the company will expand...

All these activities will add to the company’s ROI; with the aim being a tenfold increase in ToolsCorp’s income in ten years (Harnish, 2014).
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Appendix 1

Appendix 2 



Pearce, J. and Robinson, R. (2014). Strategic Management, 14th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
